
Thanks for visiting my blog and hopefully helping me in my quest to get in shape. If you have any suggestions for me or want to help (in any way!!!) leave a comment and I'll get in touch.

Mrs Panda xx

Sunday 7 November 2010

another week has gone by

So I meant to post this week but time got the better of me.

Well I had my first personal training session last week and I absolutely loved it! I felt this amazing buzz when I finished and wanted to go for more. I also slept like a log that night! I was completely zonked.

Then later on in the week I also had my first Yoga class and loved that too. I felt chilled and relaxed afterwards, and I loved that feeling. I'm definitely going back this week.

And the shock of all came at weigh-in on Saturday when I lost another 4.5lbs! That's 9lbs in two weeks, I couldn't believe it! And when I think about how much that is in bags of sugar, it is amazing. It proves that WeightWatchers does really work and portion control, making sure you have the right foods and eat filling foods then you will lose weight.

The new ProPoints plan is starting for our group from next weekend and I am a little apprehensive because I have done really well on the Discover plan so far, but if it is WeightWatchers I'm guessing it is going to work.

I still have my Saturday night treat as well. Whatever I want to have I will do. This weekend we had an Indian, and it was delicious, although I couldn't eat it all!

We've also been decorating all weekend so my arms are killing but at least it is more exercise as well.

So this week I have another personal training session, and I am going to Yoga again, and I'm going to stick to my points and just do the same again and hope that In lose a couple of pounds again. I don't want to lose too much too quickly the best way to do it is to do it slowly then there is more chance of it staying off.

I will just keep doing the same and hopefully it will work!

Saturday 30 October 2010

and the results are in...

I lost 4.5lbs this week and I am soooooo happy about it! I didn't expect to lose so much, but I have been sticking to my points and eating them all so it shows that it works!

It is also that time of the month again so that normally means I put weight on, so this month I have defied the witch! yey!

I start my personal training on Monday and am actually really looking forward to it. And then it will be full steam ahead.

I'm having a bit of a day off today, chinese tonight to celebrate my mum's death anniversary as she passed away five years ago on Hallowe'en. But I know she would be proud of the weight loss and will be cheering me on to the finish line.

That's it for now, we have a lot of sorting out to do in the house before the decorators come in on Monday so I'll be busy busy busy all weekend.

Mrs Panda xx

Thursday 28 October 2010

Here we go........

So this is the start, of what is going to be a very very long journey, which will hopefully see me shed a lot of weight, get fit and even take part in the Great North Run, but that might be a little optimistic at this stage!

Why am I doing this? Well, I'm overweight, not just by a few pounds but by a few, and I mean a few, stone. I have been big since my teens, and although I lost quite a bit of weight for my wedding last year, I have put it all and more back on and now is the time to do something about it and get rid of it for good.

Let's face it I am obese, and probably heavily obese if there is such a thing, it is bad for my body, it is bad for my health, and wanting to be a mum at some point in the near future, it could be bad for my child and me.

There is no quick fix, there is no miracle ingredient, all there is healthy eating, exercise and a huge amount of motivation and willpower.

Yes I may slip-up along the way, yes I might still reach for the chocolate brownie when I feel down and upset, but hopefully the good will outweigh the bad and I will succeed in my quest.

So this blog is going to be my sort of diary about my progress and what I am doing - I may at some point include pictures, but for now I don't feel confident enough to actually publish them to the world!

I may even help others with this blog, who knows, but first and foremost it is for me, an outlet for me to rant to, to report to and to help me.

Last week I re-joined Weightwatchers for the umpteenth time, but it is for good now. The group I go to is one of the most supportive ever, and despite a bit of a wobble last week, my leader put her arm around me and said, we are all in the same boat and we are here to help each other, and after that I thought yeah let's do this.

It is weigh-in on Saturday, so we will say how I get on!

I have also got a personal trainer - not a million times a week - but once a week to train with me as well as a series of other classes and things I have to do and that will kick off next week. If I don't pass out after the first session I'll blog about how it goes.

So in a rather large nutshell that is what this is all about. Any hints, tips, comments, anything please leave a message.

Mrs P xx